The maximum number of NBA 2K accounts that can be created on a single console is 5. You may be encountering this error due to the exceeded amount of allowed NBA 2K accounts on your console.

The info above is the most common cause for this error message, but we've discovered a couple of others. Once the update is applied, you will automatically be brought to the main menu. After doing so, you will be met with a loading screen during which the update will apply. Generally, playing a couple of games in "Play Now" mode is enough to trigger the download. When your game is completed, NBA 2K19 should prompt the update message in the corner which requires backing out to the main menu. After that, you should be able to play without a problem. That said: Once the download is complete, you'll see a pop-up message asking you to return to the game's main menu so the update can go into effect.

Exactly how long this takes varies, depending on the size of the download and the speed of your internet connection. If that's the case, you'll have to wait for the data to download to your console or PC. When that happens, it means you can't continue on to play until you've got the most recent update downloaded. If you're trying to play NBA 2K19 but are receiving a message with the error codes "EFEAB30C" or "4B538E50", a common reason for seeing these errors is because you don't have the latest data downloaded.